- Implement sequence-to-sequence based model to generate the corresponding caption that depicts the video.
- Implement cycle GAN to transform picture to desired drawing style.
- Implement an agent to play Atari games using deep reinforcement learning.
- Compress topological quantum circuits by a bridge-based algorithm with a place-and-route framework
- Perform regular language operations via Boolean automata representation
- Implement a circuit floorplanner based on B*-Tree and fast-SA algorithm with fixed-outline constraint and a circuit partitioner based on FM algorithm.
- Check compatative equivalence for two circuits with X-value logic
- Survey encoding methods and optimization algorithms for fault-tolerant circuits under surface code scheme.
- Propose a global routing engine with capacity to do cell movement on 2020 and 2021 CAD Contest benchmarks.
- Solve syncornous composition synthesis via reversed Boolean automata and reversed alternating Boolean automata
- Propose an architecture optimization framework to boost quantum circuit performance by optimizing connectivity.
- Demonstrate up to 59% fidelity improvement in simulation by optimizing the heavy-hexagon architecture for QAOA maxcut circuits, and up to 14% improvement on the grid architecture. For the QCNN circuit, architecture optimization improves fidelity by 11% on the heavy-hexagon architecture and 605% on the grid architecture.
- Accelerate SMT-based circuit synthesizer using a succinct formulation, different variable encoding, and efficient optimization techniques.
- Achieve a 692× speedup over the state-of-the-art optimal layout synthesis for depth optimization and a 6,957x speedup for SWAP optimization.
- Optimize qubit and gate frequencies by an SMT solver.